Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Prepare the apples: Wash all of the apples and then core them with either an apple corer or better yet a pairing knife. However, make sure to not go all the way through the apple, leaving about ¼ inch of the bottom.
Make the stuffing: Get out a medium-sized bowl and add to it the brown sugar, nuts, dried fruit, and spices. Then use a fork to mix all of these ingredients together.
Stuff the apples: Use a spoon to disperse the stuffing into each of the apples, and use your thumb to make sure the stuffing is nicely packed into the apple crevis. Then place the stuffed apples into a large walled baking pan, and dot the top of each of the apples with ¼ tablespoon of butter. Finally, pour about a cup of boiling water into the pan so that the apples stay nice and moist while baking.
Toss the apples into your oven and let them bake for 45 minutes.
Serve and enjoy your baked apples immediately!