How to Make Chicken Cutlets

Welcome back class for another installment of our cooking 101 series.  In today’s lesson, I am going to teach you, folks, how to make cutlets out of a chicken breast.  This is a great skill to know because a number of different recipes require chicken breast to be made into cutlets, plus it is relatively easy to learn.  


Now, personally, I love this technique so much, that frequently I will make cutlets out of chicken breasts even when it isn’t called for in a recipe. Why?  Well, in all honesty, it is mainly because you can get away with feeding more people with less chicken. I mean let’s be serious, a whole chicken breast (especially these monstrosities we have in the US), is really just too big of a portion for a normal human.  Yet you can get two perfect servings of chicken out of one breast when you make them into cutlets, and trust me when I say that no one will ever voice a complaint about it.


Now as far as making chicken cutlets you will need three things, a cutting board, a chef’s knife, and of course a chicken breast, preferably one that is boneless and with the skin removed.  So if you have those three items, then let’s get to it as I show you guys the three simple steps to make a cutlet.


Step 1:


First, take your chicken breast and place it on a cutting board.  Then simply place your non-knife holding hand and firmly press down on the chicken breast.


Step 2:


Take your knife and place its edge parallel to the breast on its thicker side.  Look at the knife’s placement and make sure that it is equidistant between the bottom and top of the chicken breast.


Step 3:


While continuing to hold the chicken breast flat, let the knife slice through the entirety of the chicken breast in an even manner.  Make sure to take your time with this, as you don’t want to end up with two pieces that are significantly different in size

And voila you have two perfect chicken cutlets ready to be used in any recipe that calls for it.

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