
the finished dover sole meuniere

Dover Sole Meunière

The classics are classics for a reason folks!  They’re tried and true recipes that are guaranteed to be winners.  And Dover sole Meunière is no exception.  A classic French bistro dish consisting of delicate dover sole fillets pan-fried until they have a lightly crispy texture.  Accompanied by a pan sauce made from browned butter and

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the finished hunan shrimp on a plate

Hunan Shrimp

Hunan shrimp is a classic Chinese-American stir fry that is great for the weekday dinner rotation.  It features tender cooked shrimp along with a mixture of crisp vegetables.  All of which are coated in a savory & spicy black bean sauce. What is Hunan Shrimp? Hunan shrimp is a popular dish that can be found

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the finished shrimp scampi

Shrimp Scampi

  I’ve always divided recipes into one of three categories.  Recipes that are interesting and cool but not really necessary for most people to know.  Good recipes that a lot of people would benefit from knowing.  And the must-have recipes that everyone should know how to make.  And if you ask me shrimp scampi is

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