Hey, I have a quick question for you all, do you like cutting up mangos?
Well great because you came to the right place.
You see, like many of you fine folks, I used to detest the task of cutting up a mango. It always seemed like it never mattered how patient or careful I was, I would repeatedly mess it up in some way shape or form.
Eventually, enough was enough, I had to figure out the mystery behind cutting up a mango properly. And through my research, I discovered that it’s really not as complicated as I always used to tell myself. In fact, once you understand a few key concepts, cutting up a mango is one of the easiest kitchen tasks there is. So if you’re ready to learn what I’ve learned then let’s get to today’s quick lesson.
Remove the two sides:
Stand your mango on a cutting board with its stem side facing down. Then observe the mango carefully and you will notice that it has a slightly oval shape with two longer/flatter sides and two shorter sides. The two flatter sides are what we will be cutting off. In order to cut those two sides off simple image a pit that is finger width running through the middle of the mango and simply try your best to cut alongside it.
Don’t worry if it isn’t perfect as you will get better with practice. Once you have cut off the two sides you will be left with three pieces.
Score the flesh of the two side pieces:
Get one of the side pieces and use a pairing knife to make crosswise scores in the meat of the mangos. Make sure to get as close to the skin as possible without cutting through it. Repeat this process with the other half.
Cut out the flesh:
Take one of the halves and push on the skin until it inverts and the scored flesh comes up and out. Many have described this as looking like a hedgehog. Then use the same paring knife to slowly cut away the cubes of flesh from the skin and reserve them in a bowl.
(Optional) Finish cutting out the pit piece:
Now there is no pretty or easy way to cut the flesh from the pit piece but if you don’t want it to go to waste then simply try your best to cut out any additional flesh.